Electric Fencing

Electric fencing can provide a cost effective fencing solution for cattle.

Using high tensile wire with 2,3 or 4 lines, is ideal for use on grazing platforms, paddocks or alongside cow tracks.

The wire can ether be hung on tanalised or creosoted posts, with the wire being secured to the intermediate posts with plastic insulators. Bungee, spring or conventional gates can be incorporated into the fence lines.

Heavy duty insulated cable can be inserted inside alkathene pipe, offering suitable protection when taking cable underground, for example passing the electric current underneath gateways or cattle tracks.

Stock Netting

Stock netting comes in many configurations, enabling the correct choice to be made accordingly.

Whether you are fencing in cattle, sheep, deer or alpacas, stock netting provides one of the most cost effective and secure fencing options.

Stock netting can be topped with either barbed, electric or plain wire, this will give the fence added height and protect the netting underneath, helping it to maintain its strength and appearance.

Turning posts are used at all changes of direction and the wire is strained on straining posts, ensuring that the wire maintains its tension, with intermediate posts used to support the wire at the correct height.

Post and Rail

Post and rail fencing is a popular choice for livestock.

Posts can be clad with any number of rails. Stock netting, electric fencing or rabbit netting can be used depending on the specific needs of the client and the livestock needing to be contained or excluded.

Post and rail fencing can either be tanalised pressure treated, or creosote pressure treated which will ensure the fences longevity.

We supply and install many miles of post and rail each year for various clients ranging from equestrian establishments to property developers.